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Fall Prevention clinical trials at UCSD

1 in progress, 0 open to eligible people

Showing trials for
  • Strong Foundations 2.0: A Digitally Delivered Fall Prevention Program.

    Sorry, in progress, not accepting new patients

    Study Description: The investigators propose to extend earlier research conducted during a feasibility study (Strong Foundations 1.0) by enrolling participants who have a greater risk for falling (x4 cohorts of up to 15 individuals) and from a lower socio-economic status (x4 cohorts of up to 15 individuals), and by collecting high quality laboratory based measures of balance, posture, and strength to better determine the effectiveness of the program and its suitability for widespread deployment. Additionally, the investigators hope to showcase it is feasible to sustain programmatic gains with ongoing digitally delivered content by combining cohorts into a larger group that continues to practice the foundational exercises taught during the 12-week initial program.

    San Diego, California

Our lead scientists for Fall Prevention research studies include .

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