Hypoxic Breathwork Only clinical trials at UCSD
1 research study open to eligible people
Effects of Hypoxic Breathwork
open to eligible people ages 18-45
This project will study changes that occur during a short period of intensive daily slow-paced breathing and breath hold practice (i.e., "breathwork"). On the first and last days of the week-long practice, investigators will conduct high-density EEG recordings during breathwork to evaluate spectral power, coherence, and causality dynamics of the brain when it is naïve to breathwork and after adaptation to a breathwork practice. Breath, blood, urine, saliva, stool samples, biometric data, and sleep EEG will be collected before the start of daily breathwork practice and again after 1 week of breathwork practice to examine the effect of breathwork on full body biochemistry, molecular biology, and sleep. Investigators will also use questionnaires to assess the impact of breathwork on stress and sleep quality.
La Jolla, California
Our lead scientists for Hypoxic Breathwork Only research studies include Julie Onton, PhD.
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