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Mental Health clinical trials at UCSD

4 in progress, 3 open to eligible people

Showing trials for
  • Healing Experiences of Adversity Among Latinos (HEALthy4You)

    open to eligible people ages 5-11

    Healing Experiences of Adversity Among Latinos (HEALthy4You) is a project funded by the California Initiative for the Advancement of Precision Medicine ("Advancing a Precision Population Health Approach to ACEs to Reduce Health Disparities"). The long-term goal of this project is to develop community-centered, culturally Appropriate, precision Interventions that can be delivered within Federally Qualified Healthcare Centers (FQHCs) for Latino Families, to reduce Adverse Child Events (ACES) risks and treat childhood obesity. UCSD in conjunction with Family Health Centers of San Diego (FHCSD) will conduct a 2x2 factorial trial with four groups meant to determine what combination of intervention components influence family protective factors (a key marker for reduced risk of the deleterious effects of systemic and family/individual stressors that are a critical part of ACEs) and childhood obesity.

    San Diego, California and other locations

  • Race-Based Stress Trauma and Empowerment

    open to eligible people ages 18 years and up

    The existence of racially/ethnically based health disparities is well established, both within the civilian community and among Service Members and Veterans. Experiences of discrimination are acute and chronic stressors that substantially contribute to greater emotional distress, poorer health behavior, lower healthcare utilization and increased allostatic load, all of which undermine well-being, functioning and Whole Health. An innovative clinical program, the Race-Based Stress/Trauma and Empowerment (RBSTE) group, was developed to help Veterans of Color to build coping resources and empowerment. Although qualitative data suggest the promise of this intervention, systematic evaluation is lacking. The proposed feasibility project will lay the groundwork for a future randomized controlled trial to evaluate RBSTE as compared to a control group in terms of Whole Health, functioning and mental/physical wellness. The project thus begins a program of research to address the health implications of systemic racism.

    San Diego, California

  • TEAMS R34 #1 After-Action Reviews in Child Welfare Services

    open to eligible people ages 6 years and up

    This project proposes to improve successful mental health service linkage in Child Welfare Services (CWS) by adapting and testing the After Action Review (AAR) team effectiveness intervention to augment the Child Family Team (CFT) services intervention. Despite being both required and a collaborative approach to service planning, CFT meetings are implemented with questionable fidelity and consistency, rarely including children and families as intended. By inclusion of child and family voice, the AAR-enhanced CFT should lead to increased fidelity to the CFT intervention and greater levels of parental satisfaction with the service and shared decision-making, thus resulting in enhanced follow-through with Action Plans and linkage to mental health care for children.

    San Diego, California

  • Refining and Implementing Technology-Enhanced Family Navigation to Promote Early Access and Engagement With Mental Health Services for Youth With Autism

    Sorry, accepting new patients by invitation only

    This project, Refining and Implementing Technology-Enhanced Family Navigation to Promote Early Access and Engagement with Mental Health Services for Youth with Autism (ATTAIN NAV) is focused on adapting and implementing family navigation in primary care settings to help accelerate and facilitate engagement in mental health and community services for children with autism and their families.

    San Diego, California

Our lead scientists for Mental Health research studies include .

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