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Neurocognitive Disorder clinical trials at UCSD

1 research study open to eligible people

Showing trials for
  • Brain Health Virtual Reality Study

    open to eligible people ages 50-85

    The Interventions for Brain Health Virtual Reality Study is a NIH-funded clinical research trial at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Health under the supervision of the study principal investigator Dr. Judy Pa. The overarching goal of this trial is to use a novel virtual reality (VR) based intervention that simultaneously engages physical and cognitive activity aimed at improving brain health and cognition in older adults. The investigators will compare 3 types of interventions: physical activity, VR cognitive activity, and combined VR physical and cognitive activity over 16 weeks to evaluate physical and brain health changes.

    San Diego, California

Our lead scientists for Neurocognitive Disorder research studies include .

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