Tourette Syndrome clinical trials at UCSD
1 research study open to eligible people
Multimodal Profiling of Response to Pediatric Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics
open to eligible people ages 10-17
Tourette Syndrome and Persistent Motor/Vocal Tic Disorder affect 1-3% of youth and can be associated with impaired functioning, emotional and behavioral problems, physical pain, diminished quality of life, and peer victimization. Chronic tics are the primary symptom. Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) is a manualized treatment focused on tic management skills. During the core CBIT procedure, competing response training, patients learn to inhibit tics by engaging in a competing motor action. The overall objective of this study is to identify bio-behavioral predictors and correlates of response and the most potent aspects of CBIT. Participants with chronic tics will complete a manualized course of 8-session CBIT. Neural, behavioral, psychosocial, and global functioning will be assessed longitudinally to examine predictors and correlates of response. CBIT sessions will be video recorded. CBIT process will be measured with a video-based behavioral coding scheme that will be refined and validated during years 1-2 using archival CBIT videos
San Diego, California and other locations
Our lead scientists for Tourette Syndrome research studies include Deanna Greene, PhD.
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